Medical CBD Cannabis Now Publicly Sold In Switzerland

In Zurich, a convenience store promotes joints, hemp foods, and cannabis.  

Beside the cash register at a nearby drugstore, a screen bearing a photo of a white-haired guy wearing a placid smile in a field of marijuana comprises CBD-enhanced moisturizer, and glass dropper bottles of tinctures a pharmacist accounts are popular with elderly clients who suffer from joint pain.Having a well-lit, white-walled distance and a sign outside advertising"best Swiss cannabis," Marry Jane resembles a smaller version of the dispensaries now commonplace in US states like California and Oregon, where marijuana is legal for recreational use.  But in Zurich, not one of the cannabis flowers, pre-rolled joints, baked products, tinctures, salves, or soft drinks will get you especially large.  Instead, strains like Swiss Cheese and Orange Bud are promoted by their varying proportions of CBD.

 And in the past couple years, wholesale CBD companies selling this sort of marijuana with just exceptionally light psychotropic effects have been multiplying.  There were only five registered firms in Switzerland trading or manufacturing CBD in January 2017, according to the Swiss newspaper Tages-Anzeiger.  

Swiss adaption has been fast, and now tourists are beginning to catch on too. It would be wonderful to say exactly the same in the united states.  Maybe someday, our Ricola cough drops will include fine Swiss cannabis.
For centuries, Switzerland has led the way in regards to what we now call"health," peddling the healing forces of crisp Alpine air, clear blue skies, and fine Swiss botanicals.

Today, those curative herbs may well consist of cannabis.

Cannabidiol--the non-psychotropic chemical compound of cannabis that is also called CBD--is catching on in the now-global health community as a treatment for anxiety, joint pain, PTSD, menstrual cramps, insomnia, nausea, seizures, inflammation, and much more.  In Switzerland's cities, the stuff has rapidly become ubiquitous--standard fare in shops, convenience stores, and a new crop of dispensaries.  Contrary to THC, the most famous of cannabinoids because of its ability to get us high, CBD promises physical and psychological benefits with no giggles, paranoia, or couch-lock.